
Showing posts from April, 2024

Show HN: I built a Plant Identification Tool Powered GPT4 Vision

Show HN: I built a Plant Identification Tool Powered GPT4 Vision April 30, 2024 at 09:53PM

Show HN: I replicated Anthropic's monosemanticity research using just my MacBook

Show HN: I replicated Anthropic's monosemanticity research using just my MacBook Hi everyone, I've been working on an open-source implementation of Anthropic's research on monosemanticity ("Towards Monosemanticity"). The problem Anthropic is trying to solve is that language models are hard to interpret because individual neurons can be responsible for multiple different things. The research finds that training a small autoencoder on neuron activations can result in "features" which are much easier to interpret. When I was reading the original research, I got really excited when I realized that the models they used were really small, and I could probably train them from scratch with just my M3 MBP. My models are somewhat undertrained compared to what Anthropic produced, but I think my results are still very compelling. Let me know what you think! April 30, 2024 at 10:56PM

Show HN: Community-written abstracts for research papers

Show HN: Community-written abstracts for research papers April 30, 2024 at 11:04AM

Show HN: Add Siri Like Native AI Assistants to Any React/JS App

Show HN: Add Siri Like Native AI Assistants to Any React/JS App April 30, 2024 at 10:37PM

Show HN: Define and implement any function on the fly with LLMs

Show HN: Define and implement any function on the fly with LLMs It's not a serious library, but I figured it could be something fun to make. April 30, 2024 at 04:29AM

Show HN: Attorch – PyTorch's nn module written in Python using OpenAI's Triton

Show HN: Attorch – PyTorch's nn module written in Python using OpenAI's Triton attorch is a subset of PyTorch's nn module, written purely in Python using OpenAI's Triton. Its goal is to be an easily hackable, self-contained, and readable collection of neural network modules whilst maintaining or improving upon the efficiency of PyTorch. In other words, it intends to be a forkable project endowed with a simple, intuitive design that can serve as an accessible starting point for those who are seeking to develop custom deep learning operations but are not satisfied with the speed of a pure PyTorch implementation and do not have the technical expertise or resources to write CUDA kernels. There already exist a number of wonderful PyTorch-like frameworks powered by Triton, but most concentrate solely on Transformers and NLP applications, whereas attorch aims to be more inclusive by also presenting a variety of layers pertaining to areas besides NLP such as computer vision. Mo

Show HN: Kaytu – Optimizing cloud costs using actual usage data

Show HN: Kaytu – Optimizing cloud costs using actual usage data Reduce your cloud costs - SREs/DevOps/Cloud Engineers Hi community! We are Kaytu (“Kay-two,” named after the K2 mountain), and we've developed an open-source tool for engineering, DevOps, and SRE teams to reduce cloud costs. Cloud inflation (“cloud-flation”) is real—AWS EC2 costs are up 23% (4-5x global inflation average [1]), and 30% of the capacity that is paid for is simply wasted ([2]). The best way to improve cloud utilization is by simplifying the process so engineers can spot inefficiencies and suggest changes. We built a simple open-source CLI tool that recommends a cost-optimal workload based on actual usage data from observability tools. Check it out at Currently, we support AWS EC2 On-Demand Servers & EBS Storage using observability data from CloudWatch to determine utilization. You can optimize EC2 Servers based on CPU, Network, Memory, and Storage. We're expanding support to

Show HN: Bard PDF – Chat with Pdf in Google Bard or Gemini

Show HN: Bard PDF – Chat with Pdf in Google Bard or Gemini Chat with pdf in Google Bard or Gemini for free. Several ways to have conversations with pdfs in Google Bard or Gemini. April 29, 2024 at 08:31AM

Show HN: Dotenv, if it is a Unix utility

Show HN: Dotenv, if it is a Unix utility I like the idea of using dotenv files, but I dislike having to use different language-specific libraries to read them. To solve this, I created a small utility that lets you prefix any command with "dotenv" to load the ".env" file. This is how I imagine dotenv would work if it had started as a UNIX utility rather than a Node.js library. April 29, 2024 at 01:55AM

Show HN: OpenLIT – Open-Source LLM Observability with OpenTelemetry

Show HN: OpenLIT – Open-Source LLM Observability with OpenTelemetry Hey HN, we're super excited to share something we've been working on: OpenLIT. After an engaging preview that some of you might recall, we are now proudly announcing our first stable release! *What's OpenLIT?* Simply put, OpenLIT is an open-source tool designed to make monitoring your Large Language Model (LLM) applications straightforward. It’s built on OpenTelemetry, aiming to reduce the complexities that come with observing the behavior and usage of your LLM stack. *Beyond Basic Text Generation:* OpenLIT isn’t restricted to just text and chatbot outputs. It now includes automatic monitoring capabilities for GPT-4 Vision, DALL·E, and OpenAI Audio. Essentially, we're prepared to assist you with your multi-modal LLM projects all through a single platform and we're not stopping here; more updates and model support are on their way! *Key Features:* - *Instant Alerts:* Offers immediate insights on cost

Show HN: Scenestamps – A website for sharing movie scenes with timestamps

Show HN: Scenestamps – A website for sharing movie scenes with timestamps Hello hackers, I've launched a website specifically for sharing scenes, complete with descriptions and timestamps from various films and TV shows. I'm reaching out to gather your perspectives and recommendations in these domains to improve the site and extend my outreach. Link : You are not required to register/login to browse the site. Scenestamps Features: 1. Search : You can directly search for a scene or a source. 2. Upload Posts : You can register with your google account, login and start posting right away. Unlike other sites in this specific domain, users are allowed to upload posts. There are two types of posts - scene - source Source is a movie,tv show, documentary, etc... One source can have multiple scenes While creating a scene post, source can be selected there. Scene post will have the timestamp fields. There are two types of it: - single - one input field of timestam

Show HN: Htpy – generate HTML from Python without templates

Show HN: Htpy – generate HTML from Python without templates I built a library that to generate HTML from Python. We have been using this library with Django the last couple of months instead of classic templates and find it to be productive. It is easy to debug, works great with static type checkers and it is easy to build reusable components/partials. Give it a try! April 28, 2024 at 01:04AM

Show HN: I want my family to listen to more music(less movies)

Show HN: I want my family to listen to more music(less movies) I decided to use the home entertainment system to take over the TV. Limited visual stimulation. Front Row is a collection of live musical performances gathered by music fans of all kinds. Download for iOS or Apple TV And fuck it. I'm letting anyone add videos directly to the database! April 27, 2024 at 11:02PM

Show HN: Cognita – open-source RAG framework for modular applications

Show HN: Cognita – open-source RAG framework for modular applications Hey HN, exciting news! Our RAG framework, Cognita ( ), born from collaborations with diverse enterprises, is now open-source. Currently, it offers seamless integrations with Qdrant and SingleStore. In recent weeks, numerous engineers have explored Cognita, providing invaluable insights and feedback. We deeply appreciate your input and encourage ongoing dialogue (share your thoughts in the comments – let's keep this ‘open source’). While RAG is undoubtedly powerful, the process of building a functional application with it can feel overwhelming. From selecting the right AI models to organizing data effectively, there's a lot to navigate. While tools like LangChain and LlamaIndex simplify prototyping, an accessible, ready-to-use open-source RAG template with modular support is still missing. That's where Cognita comes in. Key benefits of Cognita: 1. Central repository for parsers, load

Show HN: Spade – UI for Data Processing

Show HN: Spade – UI for Data Processing April 27, 2024 at 01:50AM

Show HN: I made a spaced repetition tool to master coding problems

Show HN: I made a spaced repetition tool to master coding problems As you solve LeetCode questions, you can mark them as hard, medium, or easy. The tool will then recommend questions you should review based on (1) how hard the question was for you and (2) how much time has passed since you last reviewed it. I'd recommend normally attempting LeetCode problems and just marking them as hard, medium, or easy for you at first so the tool knows which problems to recommend you review! Here's the theory behind spaced repetition and learning if interested: April 27, 2024 at 01:08AM

Show HN: I made a site for practicing front end debugging with real-world bugs

Show HN: I made a site for practicing front end debugging with real-world bugs I am excited to introduce my solo project, a platform built with the frontend development community in mind. It's an interactive environment aimed at refining debugging skills through exposure to real-world bugs. This project stems from the need for a hands-on, practical method of learning to debug. The site features a variety of intentional bugs for users to solve, mirroring the types of challenges faced in professional settings. Over the coming weeks, I will be adding many more exercises and new features to enhance your learning experience further. Check out CodeMender at April 26, 2024 at 11:29PM

Show HN: I put PubMed in a vector DB

Show HN: I put PubMed in a vector DB Hi HN, As a researcher, I often found myself struggling with the limitations of keyword-based search when exploring PubMed papers. To address this, I created PubMed Search ( ), a tool that leverages a vector database to enable semantic search across medical research literature. Some key features: * Daily updates to ensure access to the latest articles * Semantic search using latest & greatest embedding models * Some additional useful info about the papers (tldr, journal, publication date, etc.) Hope you find it useful! April 26, 2024 at 01:23AM

Show HN: I made a programmable computer from NAND gates

Show HN: I made a programmable computer from NAND gates I am proud to present my solo hobby project NAND. This year-long undertaking follows the completed Nand to Tetris course, but ported to the web with its own runtime, user interface, and IDE. Using the "Load example program" selector, you can try out some programs I wrote on NAND's emulated hardware such as 2048, a genetic algorithm, and a manual stack overflow to corrupt the screen. Check out NAND at Additionally, I've authored an extensive writeup about the project. Read about it on the GitHub repository's readme. April 25, 2024 at 09:38PM

Show HN: I've developed an open-source proxy server for front end applications

Show HN: I've developed an open-source proxy server for front end applications Hey Everyone! I’ve recently been working on an open-source proxy server to help front end applications securely access third party APIs that require confidential API keys without the need to create your own backend. I would love to get some feedback and hear what you think! April 25, 2024 at 05:32AM

Show HN: Serverless VPN for Lifetime

Show HN: Serverless VPN for Lifetime April 25, 2024 at 12:49AM

Show HN: Open-source alternative to HashiCorp/IBM Vault

Show HN: Open-source alternative to HashiCorp/IBM Vault April 25, 2024 at 02:32AM

SHOW HN: I coded an espresso brewing app to keep all information at one place

SHOW HN: I coded an espresso brewing app to keep all information at one place April 25, 2024 at 12:09AM

Show HN: Sound AiSleep – create kids audiobooks in their parents voice using AI

Show HN: Sound AiSleep – create kids audiobooks in their parents voice using AI You can use the promo code: FREEBOOK2024 to test an audiobook for free. We created an app that uses AI voice clones, to clone parents voice. They then choose any book from our kids library to create their audiobook spoken in their voice. Would love to hear any feedback! April 24, 2024 at 12:54PM

Show HN: Just launched the Bento creation tool to rule them all

Show HN: Just launched the Bento creation tool to rule them all April 24, 2024 at 11:13AM

Show HN: Use LLMs to Interact with APIs

Show HN: Use LLMs to Interact with APIs Recently featured in a LangChain blog , use LLMs to construct an API first runnable workflow with an IDE experience. April 24, 2024 at 03:53AM

Show HN: Storing Private Keys in the Browser Securely

Show HN: Storing Private Keys in the Browser Securely So the main purpose here is to show _a_ way that session-token theft can be mitigated. Clearly, this isn't NSA proof or something you'd use to secure a BL5 containment facility, but to prevent session-jacking; if feels like it could help a lot, and would be pretty quick and easy to roll out if an IDP wanted to implement it. April 24, 2024 at 12:32AM

Show HN: Metashade – a Pythonic GPU shading/compute EDSL

Show HN: Metashade – a Pythonic GPU shading/compute EDSL Superficially, it may look similar to Nvidia's Warp or OpenAI's Triton, but instead of transpiling a subset of Python to the target language, it implements dynamic codegen in pure Python. These slides discuss the existing GPU programming solutions and make a case for Metashade's approach: April 22, 2024 at 04:51AM

Show HN: Wonkypedia - Wikipedia from an Alternate Timeline

Show HN: Wonkypedia - Wikipedia from an Alternate Timeline April 23, 2024 at 01:26AM

Show HN: Auto-optimizing deterministic LLM outputs using knowledge graphs

Show HN: Auto-optimizing deterministic LLM outputs using knowledge graphs Hi, We are building an open-source framework for loading and structuring LLM context to create accurate and explainable LLM answers using knowledge graphs and vector stores. We built the tool with four main concepts in mind: 1. Loader -> uses dlt in the backend to load and structure the data 2. Cognify step -> creates a graph with summaries, labels and factoids that are interconnected across the documents and stored as a representation in the vector store 3. Optimizer -> Uses DSPy to optimize LLM queries, and we plan to extend it to most of the knobs we can turn, like chunking etc. 4. Search -> allows for searching using search types supported in graph stores (ex. Neo4j) or hybrid, BM25, or other search types available in vector stores. We are quite early with the product but we would love to hear feedback on what we can improve. April 22, 2024 at 11:55PM

Show HN: Fast Calendar Algorithms

Show HN: Fast Calendar Algorithms I've done this work not long ago and I reckon that the name of the github repo doesn't help people searching for calendar algorithms. (Too late to change it now.) The name of the repo, eaf, comes from Euclidean Affine Functions which are the type of functions behind the algorithms. April 22, 2024 at 06:32AM

Show HN: LLaMA 3 tokenizer runs in the browser

Show HN: LLaMA 3 tokenizer runs in the browser April 22, 2024 at 05:07AM

Show HN: AppView 1.0.0 is released Instrument, Observe, Secure your deployments

Show HN: AppView 1.0.0 is released Instrument, Observe, Secure your deployments AppView is an open source, runtime-agnostic instrumentation utility for any Linux command or application. It helps users to explore, understand, and gain visibility with no code modification. With one instrumentation approach for all runtimes, AppView offers ubiquitous, unified instrumentation of any unmodified Linux executable. With AppView 1.0.0 comes the new threat detection logic that allows users to capture security-related events. Is your application accessing secure files? Is it making connections it shouldn't be? Is it exfiltrating data over DNS or is GOT poisoning in effect? Other features of the 1.0.0 release include the ability to: - Generate metrics on process and application performance. - Generate events, reporting on network, file, logs, console messages and http/s activity. - Capture (decrypted) payload data without the need for keys. - Generate a stack trace, and a core dump when an app

Show HN: What Are You Working On?

Show HN: What Are You Working On? Hey HN, I'm sure you've seen the monthly "Ask HN: What Are You Working On?" headlines on [Hacker News]( ). Honestly, it's my favorite topic because it's packed with insights about what other hackers are up to. I wondered what it would be like if instead of just a headline, there was a whole website where hackers could post daily updates, and where we could follow the hackers we're interested in for their latest updates. And so, this web site was born. I hope it gets used frequently so we can all benefit from it together. I look forward to hearing your thoughts. Let me know what you think! April 21, 2024 at 05:13PM

Show HN: LLM Scraper – turn any webpage into structured data

Show HN: LLM Scraper – turn any webpage into structured data April 21, 2024 at 02:07AM

Show HN: Edit This Page – Frictionless Content Collaboration

Show HN: Edit This Page – Frictionless Content Collaboration April 20, 2024 at 08:27PM

Show HN: Exploring Indra's Pearls with WebGPU

Show HN: Exploring Indra's Pearls with WebGPU April 20, 2024 at 10:10PM

Show HN: Using Llama 3 for free in prod via OpenAI client

Show HN: Using Llama 3 for free in prod via OpenAI client April 20, 2024 at 07:51PM

Show HN: I built a small utility that handles multiple browser instances for you

Show HN: I built a small utility that handles multiple browser instances for you I'm a consultant and I normally deal with multiple clients. I need an isolated browser for each to maintain my sanity. I could create separate profiles in Chrome and Firefox but the main issue is when you click on a link outside of the browser (e.g. in your IDE), in which profile should it be opened? I wrote a Python script that redirects URLs to the correct browser instance and set it as my default browser. Over time, the script has grown and become essential to my work. I cleaned it up and open-sourced it. Hope that someone else may find it useful too! April 20, 2024 at 06:33AM

Show HN: Composable (as in iGoogle, but modern) privacy-friendly new tab

Show HN: Composable (as in iGoogle, but modern) privacy-friendly new tab I spent quite a lot of time working on this one over the last 1.5 years. It started as a small project for my personal use because I wanted to keep all my self-hosted services visible so I wouldn't forget they existed lol. Using a web page wasn't ideal because of the white flicker every time I opened a new tab, so I decided to make this into a browser extension. From that time on, it became a lot bigger and got some traction (which I'm very happy about). It's made with React, but I tried to squeeze maximum performance (limited by my skills and desire to keep it somewhat readable, though) out of it. UI/UX was a big priority for me in this project, so I also tried to streamline it as much as possible and make Anori a joy to use. If you decide to try it, let me know how good I did! Oh, and it's open source [1] and the process of adding new widgets is documented [2], so you can make your own! [1]:

Show HN: MonsterWriter – Write a thesis, post, or organize notes

Show HN: MonsterWriter – Write a thesis, post, or organize notes Hello HN, in 2017 I started a project that would become MonsterWriter. First envisioned as a semi-structured wiki it became a writing application specialized for scientific content. It is a perfect tool if you write your thesis. While it is focused on technical content, you can still see the knowledge management spirit in it. One or two years ago, my wife joined me in my efforts and redesigned the whole project and we recently released it as MonsterWriter2. To celebrate this milestone we are giving away free lifetime licenses for the Desktop version (till Apr 28). Just use the promo code "gu0ho4q" for a 100% discount. You can find detailed instructions here: You can also find a short introduction video to the app on YouTube: We are happy to receive any kind of feedback! April 19, 2024 at 01:12AM

Show HN: Vapi – Convince our voice AI to give you the secret code

Show HN: Vapi – Convince our voice AI to give you the secret code April 18, 2024 at 10:20PM

Show HN: Minard – Generate beautiful charts with natural language

Show HN: Minard – Generate beautiful charts with natural language Hi HN – Excited to share a beta for Minard, a new data visualization toolkit we've been working on that lets you generate publication-quality charts with simple natural language (throw away your matplotlib docs and rejoice!). Upload or import CSVs, Excel, and JSON, give it a spin, and please let us know what you think! (Long format data works best for now) For those curious, the stack is a simple Django app with HTMX/Alpine and all of the charts are specified and rendered as Vega ( ). Lots of LLM function calling under the hood as well. April 18, 2024 at 11:27PM

Show HN: I also made a three-body simulation

Show HN: I also made a three-body simulation Somewhat inspired by a recent post here, I also made a three-body simulation on a whim, meaning to try out macroquad[0] (verdict: really nice!). Thanks to the engine I could trivially target wasm as well, so others can get mesmerized too. [0]: April 18, 2024 at 06:53AM

Show HN: Trained Tiny Tales GPT(30M model)from scratch and deployed in $15

Show HN: Trained Tiny Tales GPT(30M model)from scratch and deployed in $15 For the last few weeks, I have been working on training an LLM from scratch and deploying it in production on Google Cloud Platform. Finally, I trained a 30 million parameter model on 1 billion tokens and deployed it as a web service. You can access the LLM using this site - The following steps were taken to build Tiny Tales GPT 1. Downloaded and preprocessed 8GB of dataset using multiprocessing library. 2. Tokenized the data using byte pair encoding to create 1 billion tokens sharded in different bin files. 3. Defined a training setup and trained the model on a small version of the LLaMA model architecture with 30 million parameters. 4. The training was done using Distributed Data-Parallel on two A-100 GPUs provided by (they are most cost-optimized) 5. After the training is done, an inference script is created to predict the tokens from the trained model given the input cont

Show HN: Easy Folders – A folders based organization tool for ChatGPT and Claude

Show HN: Easy Folders – A folders based organization tool for ChatGPT and Claude Download for free: A simple and powerful tool to organize chats in ChatGPT and Claude. ** NEW! Claude support added - Create folders and organize your chats for Claude ** ** NEW! Multi-account support added - Create folders and organize your chats for multiple ChatGPT & Claude accounts, and switch between them seamlessly. ** - Privacy focused, your data is all stored on your local machine - Create folders & sub-folders for your chats - Easy-to-use drag & drop - Colored folders - Automatic folders for Custom GPTs - Sync folders across multiple devices - Full chat history search - Bookmark important chats - Bulk delete chats - Backup & Import data - Dark & light mode support April 18, 2024 at 01:11AM

Fourth body recovered during salvage, recovery operations at Key Bridge collapse site - CBS Baltimore

* Fourth body recovered during salvage, recovery operations at Key Bridge collapse site  CBS Baltimore * ‘Fought for his life’: How a construction worker was able to survive Baltimore’s Key Bridge collapse  WTOP * Baltimore bridge collapse survivor 'fought for his life' after car plunged into river  Fox News * FBI boards ship amid investigation into what caused Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse  Baltimore Sun * Fourth body recovered in Maryland bridge collapse  NBC News

Show HN: Device-Bound Session Tokens in JavaScript

Show HN: Device-Bound Session Tokens in JavaScript Google’s recent announcement of a proposed ‘Device Bound Session Credentials’ feature[1] for Chrome reminded me of a project we worked on last year at my company. We focus on fraud prevention at signup and login (preventing multi-accounting and account theft), but some customers were concerned about post-login security and asked us to add a session hijacking prevention feature to our fraud prevention API. In the end, we decided to just implement a solution in Javascript. We call it session-lock, and it can be used today across all browsers[2] and, theoretically, native mobile apps. For a more comprehensive writeup and quick demo, you can visit the link. In short, the library adds a device-bound signature to the session token each time it’s used. At login, it creates a signing key pair on the browser using SubtleCrypto, with the private key set as “unextractable” and stored in IndexedDB (this forms the basis of its device-binding). Also

Spire collapses after fire rips through Copenhagen’s old stock exchange - CNN

Spire collapses after fire rips through Copenhagen’s old stock exchange  CNNView Full Coverage on Google News

Show HN: a Rust based CLI tool 'imgcatr' for displaying images

Show HN: a Rust based CLI tool 'imgcatr' for displaying images cat for images, by RUST April 16, 2024 at 02:00PM

Sydney church stabbing declared a 'terrorist' attack -

* Sydney church stabbing declared a 'terrorist' attack * Attack on religious leader in Sydney to be investigated as terror related, police say  ABC News * Accused teen terrorist’s dark past emerges * Second high-profile stabbing to rock Sydney in recent days is declared a terrorist attack  Yahoo! Voices * Sydney Church Stabbing Deemed A Terrorist Attack By Australian Authorities  Forbes

Supreme Court Clears Way, for Now, for Idaho to Ban Transgender Treatment for Minors - The New York Times

* Supreme Court Clears Way, for Now, for Idaho to Ban Transgender Treatment for Minors  The New York Times * The Supreme Court's confusing new anti-trans decision, explained * Supreme Court permits Idaho to enforce ban on gender-affirming care for minors  CNN * Supreme Court temporarily revives Idaho law banning gender affirming care for minors  NPR * Supreme Court lets Idaho enforce ban on transgender care  USA TODAY

Show HN: YouTube Shorts Redirector

Show HN: YouTube Shorts Redirector I am neurodivergent and noticed the Youtube Shorts format was hacking my brain to engage longer than I wanted. I wrote this quick extension to gain my time back. If you have suggestions for improvement, I'm all ears. Thank you :) April 16, 2024 at 06:29AM

Show HN: Building a GPS receiver

Show HN: Building a GPS receiver Hi everyone! Shortly after publishing my iOS 4 jailbreak last October[1], I got to work on my next hobby project: a from-scratch homebrew GPS receiver, which can solve the user’s location solely from billions of radio antenna samples. I took a commodity SDR (alongside the Python standard library and numpy) and built a signal processing pipeline that can detect and track GPS satellites over many minutes, drop and pick up satellites as they come in and out of view, and precisely determine the user’s position and clock inaccuracy. All told, gypsum can go from a cold start to a fix on the user’s position, and the precise time, in less than a minute of listening to the antenna. I went on a journey of learning how to detect and track satellite signals that are literally too quiet to hear, and I hope that some of the magic comes through in the posts! After implementing this myself and walking the long road of getting it working, I’m left completely stunned by

Mass shooting outside New Orleans nightclub leaves 1 dead, 11 injured - NBC News

* Mass shooting outside New Orleans nightclub leaves 1 dead, 11 injured  NBC News * New Orleans mass shooting kills 1, injures 11  WDSU New Orleans * 1 dead, 11 injured after mass shooting in Warehouse District, New Orleans police say * Police respond to reported mass shooting after 12 people shot, one fatally, in New Orleans  WBRZ * 1 dead, 11 injured in mass shooting outside New Orleans nightclub  WLOX

Protesters block I-880 at 5th Avenue in Oakland - KRON4

* Protesters block I-880 at 5th Avenue in Oakland  KRON4 * Pro-Palestinian protesters involved in worldwide economic blockade close all lanes of Northbound I-880 in Oakland, CHP says  KGO-TV * Protest shuts down northbound I-880 in Oakland, CHP says  NBC Bay Area * Bay Area commute nightmare as protests block Golden Gate Bridge, 880 in Oakland  SFGATE * 'Free Palestine' protesters block part of I-880 in Oakland, Golden Gate Bridge  KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco

Iran's attack on Israel could be bad for Russia's war in Ukraine - Business Insider

* Iran's attack on Israel could be bad for Russia's war in Ukraine  Business Insider * Can China play a role in avoiding an all-out war in the Middle East?  CNN * Russia says it's extremely concerned by rise in Middle East tensions, urges restraint  Reuters * Ukraine war live updates: Russia expresses 'extreme concern' and calls for restraint in Middle East, but refuses to condemn Iran  CNBC * Russia says it's extremely concerned by rise in Middle East tensions, urges restraint  The Times of India

Ukraine's Army Chief Says Front Line Operational Situation Deteriorating - Kyiv Post

* Ukraine's Army Chief Says Front Line Operational Situation Deteriorating  Kyiv Post * Ukraine war briefing: Chasiv Yar is Russians’ next big objective, says Oleksandr Syrskyi  The Guardian * Ukraine Commander Issues Dire Warning About Frontline  Newsweek * Ukraine's top commander says Russia aims to capture Chasiv Yar by May 9  Yahoo! Voices * Situation in combat zone in Ukraine gets more complicated – Zelenskyy  Ukrainska Pravda

Trump holds first major campaign event in the Lehigh Valley - WHYY

* Trump holds first major campaign event in the Lehigh Valley  WHYY * 'Trumpstock' brings peace, unity and a ton of disinformation to Schnecksville  The Philadelphia Inquirer * Trump heads for campaign rally in Pennsylvania, where down-ballot drama awaits  CNN * Trump's abortion statement angers conservatives and gives the Biden campaign a new target  The Associated Press * Donald Trump comes to Bucks County ahead of PA primary

Show HN: Docker-boot – Run a system from RAM without LiveCD

Show HN: Docker-boot – Run a system from RAM without LiveCD How often do you screw up the system so much you have to reformat the disk (without losing data) to fix it? Well, sometimes I do, and sometimes I can't be bothered to burn a live ISO onto a USB stick. There's initramfs, but it's hardly a pleasant environment, with network configuration and all. My go-to solution has typically been to create a chroot with busybox and a few utilities in /tmp, chroot into it, and then kill services that use the solid drive so that I can unmount it. That's an error-prone process, and sometimes systemd itself uses disk, so you can't unmount the drive despite killing all the userland but PID 1. This script improves the UX. It uses a Docker image as the chroot base, which is much easier to tailor to your needs, and automagically commits all the atrocities, such as tearing down all the userland processes, including PID 1, and re-spawning the host system from the container filesyste

Israel Conflict Spreads to 16 Nations as Biden Admin Says There's No War - The Intercept

Israel Conflict Spreads to 16 Nations as Biden Admin Says There's No War  The InterceptView Full Coverage on Google News

Show HN: I built Stack, the open-source Clerk/Firebase Auth alternative

Show HN: I built Stack, the open-source Clerk/Firebase Auth alternative April 14, 2024 at 07:30PM

Gunman fires shots from apartment rooftop in Marina del Rey, livestreams shooting - KABC-TV

* Gunman fires shots from apartment rooftop in Marina del Rey, livestreams shooting  KABC-TV * Suspect in custody after shots fired from apartment rooftop in Marina del Rey  KTLA Los Angeles * Man in custody after allegedly firing as many as 50 rounds from Marina del Rey balcony  CBS Los Angeles * Marina Del Rey gunman accused of livestreaming shooting from apartment rooftop  FOX 11 Los Angeles * Man arrested after firing shots from Marina del Rey apartment rooftop  NBC Southern California

Boeing's CEO search has a new frontrunner—and insiders say it could mean a radical change for the $104 billion ailing planemaker - Yahoo Finance

* Boeing's CEO search has a new frontrunner—and insiders say it could mean a radical change for the $104 billion ailing planemaker  Yahoo Finance * Airline Incidents: How Do Boeing and Airbus Compare?  Visual Capitalist * Boeing somehow managed to get itself into even bigger trouble  CNN * Have Boeing planes really had more problems lately? Look at the numbers  The Seattle Times * Boeing's Crisis: A Story Of Executives Who Got How To Run A Business Completely Backwards  View from the Wing

Hundreds of Israeli settlers attack Palestinian villages in the occupied West Bank after missing Israeli boy found dead - CNN

* Hundreds of Israeli settlers attack Palestinian villages in the occupied West Bank after missing Israeli boy found dead  CNN * Israel finds missing teen's body after deadly West Bank settler attack  The Associated Press * Dozens of Palestinians and Jews injured in West Bank altercations  The Jerusalem Post * Settlers incensed over teen's slaying rampage in Palestinian towns  Reuters * West Bank sees biggest settler rampage since war in Gaza began as Israeli teen's body is found  Yahoo! Voices

Iran offers Israel off-ramp to 'conclude' attack after launching missiles, drones on Jewish state - Fox News

* Iran offers Israel off-ramp to 'conclude' attack after launching missiles, drones on Jewish state  Fox News * Iran warns US to ‘stay away’ as America shoots down drone launched at Israel  Fox News * Iran's U.N. Mission Says Military Action Concluded  The Wall Street Journal * Iran's UN envoy says attack on Israel 'can be deemed concluded'  The Jerusalem Post * Tehran vows response after strike blamed on Israel destroyed Iran's Consulate in Syria and killed 12  The Associated Press

Show HN: GPU price-per-hour tracker for A100/H100s

Show HN: GPU price-per-hour tracker for A100/H100s Out of curiosity, I put together a simple website which tracks the prices for a few variations of A100/H100 GPUs by hour broken out between spot/ondemand, form factor and provider. Specifically I was tailoring the tool towards the smaller, emerging providers like runpod,, lambda labs etc. Anyone have any ideas to expand/refine it? April 14, 2024 at 12:38AM

Show HN: ZSV (Zip Separated Values) columnar data format

Show HN: ZSV (Zip Separated Values) columnar data format A columnar data format built using simple, mature technologies. April 14, 2024 at 01:22AM

Show HN: My $1k self-install, off-grid solar backup build for renters

Show HN: My $1k self-install, off-grid solar backup build for renters April 14, 2024 at 12:29AM

Biden is gaining in polls, but is still behind Trump - Axios

* Biden is gaining in polls, but is still behind Trump  Axios * Biden Shrinks Trump's Edge in Latest Times/Siena Poll  The New York Times * Biden has cut into Trump's polling lead, now trails by 1 point: NYT  Business Insider * Biden and Trump in near-even split in presidential race, poll finds  CNN * Joe Biden catching up to Donald Trump in 2024, poll finds  USA TODAY

A significant severe weather threat could take shape for Monday. Here’s what we know - CNN

* A significant severe weather threat could take shape for Monday. Here’s what we know  CNN * Dangerous Severe Weather Monday In Southern Great Plains - Videos from The Weather Channel  The Weather Channel * A significant severe weather threat could take shape for Monday. Here's what we know  Yahoo! Voices * Oklahoma severe weather: Forecast shows possible storms Monday * The Daily Weather Update from FOX Weather: Coastal weekend storms shift to heartland next week  Fox Weather

Sudan civil war: The children living between starvation and death in Darfur -

* Sudan civil war: The children living between starvation and death in Darfur * Department Press Briefing – April 11, 2024 - United States Department of State  Department of State * Sudan's silent suffering, a year into generals' war  Voice of America - VOA News * 'Time running out' in war-torn Sudan as access to aid restricted, WHO warns  NBC News * Sudan's war began a year ago. Children are among its most fragile survivors  The Associated Press

Haiti establishes transitional ruling council amid crisis - CNN

* Haiti establishes transitional ruling council amid crisis  CNN * Haiti decrees long-awaited transition council, but questions remain  Reuters Canada * The United States Welcomes Establishment of Haiti's Transitional Presidential Council - United States Department of State  Department of State * Haiti announces transition council to establish new political leaders  NBC News * Haiti's transitional government must take office amid gang warfare  The Economist

Judge Cannon skeptical of Trump co-defendants' arguments to dismiss charges - The Washington Post

* Judge Cannon skeptical of Trump co-defendants' arguments to dismiss charges  The Washington Post * FBI interview transcript reveals how Trump aide characterized boxes at Mar-a-Lago to investigators  CNN * Judge sets Friday hearing in Donald Trump classified documents case  TCPalm * Trump Co-Defendants Argue for Dismissal of Charges in Documents Case  The New York Times * Judge Cannon considers whether to toss some obstruction charges in Trump classified docs case  Yahoo! Voices

Show HN: Using Google Sheets as the back end/APIs of your app

Show HN: Using Google Sheets as the back end/APIs of your app Hello everyone! At a company I worked for, we needed to develop an MVP (basically a web page) and apply certain business logic to a Google Drive spreadsheet that was frequently updated by the Sales team. In this case, we had two options: Develop a backend to replace the current spreadsheet and have the sales team use it as a new "backoffice" - This would take a very long time, and if the hypothesis we were testing was wrong, it would be time wasted. Create the web page and use Google's SDK to extract data from the spreadsheet. We chose to go with the second option because it was quicker. Indeed, it was much faster than creating a new backoffice. But not as quick as we imagined. Integrating with Google's SDK requires some effort, especially to handle the OAuth logic, configure it in the console, and understand the documentation (which is quite shallow, by the way). Anyway! We did the project and I realized t

Food costs soar as Biden hands out massive $7.4B for student loans - Fox Business

* Food costs soar as Biden hands out massive $7.4B for student loans  Fox Business * Biden Administration Cancels $7.4 Billion More in Student Loans  The New York Times * Biden-Harris Administration Announces Additional $7.4 Billion in Approved Student Debt Relief for 277,000 Borrowers | U.S  US Department of Education * White House announces $7.4B student debt cancellation to give 'breathing room,' takes dig at House GOP  Fox Business * Biden canceling student debt for more than 277,000 borrowers  Yahoo! Voices

Water level rises sharply in Russia's Kurgan region -

* Water level rises sharply in Russia's Kurgan region * Russia floods: Nearly 12,000 homes swamped as Ural River keeps rising  The Associated Press * Kremlin warns floods may worsen as Kazakhstan, Russia evacuate 100,000  Al Jazeera English * Before-And-After Satellite Imagery Reveals Devastation From Floodwaters In Russia  Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty * Russia: Drone video shows highest ever levels of flooding

Value of China's exports falls sharply on sliding prices - Financial Times

* Value of China's exports falls sharply on sliding prices  Financial Times * China's Exports Drop More Than Expected in Setback to Recovery  Bloomberg * China's March exports and imports shrink, miss forecasts by big margins * Hong Kong stocks drop 2% as China exports fall more than expected  CNBC * China's exports tumble by 7.5% in March, but overseas demand set to rebound  South China Morning Post

A UC Berkeley law professor confronts a pro-Palestinian student during a backyard dinner - NBC News

* A UC Berkeley law professor confronts a pro-Palestinian student during a backyard dinner  NBC News * Disruption at UC Berkeley law dean’s home poses question about free speech  KTVU FOX 2 San Francisco * Reactions to Berkeley Law Student Protest at Erwin Chemerinsky's House  TIME * Gaza protesters disrupt UC Berkeley dean's dinner party, make assault accusations, triggering responses over free speech  KGO-TV * Student dinner at UC Berkeley law professor’s house disrupted by pro-Palestine protester  KRON4

Major Russian air strikes destroy Kyiv power plant, damage other stations - Reuters

* Major Russian air strikes destroy Kyiv power plant, damage other stations  Reuters * Ukraine’s parliament scraps demobilization plans in bid to boost military  CNN * Russia Destroys Largest Power Plant in Ukraine's Kyiv Region  Bloomberg * Russian Strikes Slam Ukrainian Power Plants in Tactical Shift  The Wall Street Journal * Blinken and Cameron urge Congress to approve aid for Ukraine, calling it critical for world security  The Associated Press

Show HN: CodeFusion, use LLMs with large codebases (with token context in mind)

Show HN: CodeFusion, use LLMs with large codebases (with token context in mind) Manually copying and pasting code snippets is tedious. CodeFusion allows you to easily select and merge specific code files across your codebase into a single, cohesive prompt block so that you can stay within LLMs token context budget. April 11, 2024 at 10:21PM

Show HN: Generate Docker Artifacts to $PWD

Show HN: Generate Docker Artifacts to $PWD I wanted to use a Dockerfile to generate some build artifacts so I made a tool for this. Feel free to use! April 11, 2024 at 10:03PM

Show HN: Aarde – Self Replicating Programs

Show HN: Aarde – Self Replicating Programs Last weekend I created a new visualization/demo. It's a sort of crossover between artificial life and defragmentation on MSDOS. The organisms "live" in the memory and continuously copy themselves to a free piece of memory. The programming language consists of only 5 instructions to keep it simple: S - Program start E - Program end F - Find location to copy to C - Copy to location J - Jump to start of program Every time a code is copied, a mutation can occur. We start with the following simple life form: SFCJE The rest is evolution. April 12, 2024 at 01:29AM

Trump's bid to delay hush money trial again rejected by New York appeals court - Axios

* Trump's bid to delay hush money trial again rejected by New York appeals court  Axios * Trump faces do-or-die moment with hush money trial  The Hill * Donald Trump Showing 'Extraordinary Desperation' in Criminal Case: Attorney  Newsweek * New York appeals judge rejects Trump's third legal challenge to delay hush money criminal trial  NBC News * New York appeals court rejects Donald Trump's third request to delay April 15 hush money trial  WBAL TV Baltimore

30 years on: Talking with those who survived the Rwandan genocide | DW News - DW News

* 30 years on: Talking with those who survived the Rwandan genocide | DW News  DW News * Thirty years ago the world failed to stop the Rwandan genocide. Now we fail Gaza  The Guardian * Rwandans learn to live as neighbors in the shadow of the genocide  NPR * President Macron says France and its allies 'could have stopped' the 1994 Rwanda genocide  The Associated Press * Opinion | My Story Was Told in 'Hotel Rwanda.' Here's What I Want the World to Know Now.  The New York Times

One dead as severe storms hit the US Gulf Coast -

* One dead as severe storms hit the US Gulf Coast * Tornadoes, flash flooding and large hail wreak havoc across Louisiana, Southern U.S.  Yahoo! Voices * Dangerous tornado and flooding situation unfolding in South  CNN * Raging Storms Unleash Fury Along Louisiana-Mississippi Border - Videos from The Weather Channel  The Weather Channel * Much quieter weather to end the week  WAFB

Show HN: Next-token prediction in JavaScript – build fast LLMs from scratch

Show HN: Next-token prediction in JavaScript – build fast LLMs from scratch What inspired this project today was watching this amazing video by 3Blue1Brown called "But what is a GPT?" on Youtube ( - I highly recommend watching it). I added it to the repo for reference. When it clicked in my head that "knowing a fact" is nearly synonymous with predicting a word (or series of words), I wanted to put it to the test, because it seemed so simple. I chose JavaScript because I can exploit the way it structures objects to aid in the modeling of language. For example: "I want to be at the beach", "I will do it later", "I want to know the answer", ... becomes: { I: { want: { to: { be: { ... }, know: { ... } } }, will: { ... } }, ... } in JavaScript. You can exploit the language's fast object lookup speed to find known sentences this way, rather than recursively searching text - which is the conventi

PFAS: US limits 'forever chemicals' in tap water for first time -

* PFAS: US limits 'forever chemicals' in tap water for first time * E.P.A. Says 'Forever Chemicals' Must Be Removed From Tap Water  The New York Times * EPA sets first limits on PFAS in drinking water, drawing praise in Michigan  Bridge Michigan * New EPA limits on 'forever chemicals' in drinking water could cost $1.5 billion to implement  CNBC * Biden rule targets toxic chemicals in US drinking water  POLITICO

Biden mocked for shuffling around White House lawn with dazed look during Japanese PM ceremony - New York Post

* Biden mocked for shuffling around White House lawn with dazed look during Japanese PM ceremony  New York Post * Latest 2024 election news: Biden hosts Japanese prime minister, holds news conference  The Washington Post * What the Elite Will Eat at Tonight's White House State Dinner  Eater DC * Biden's State Dinner for Japan to Feature Paul Simon and Celebrate Spring  The New York Times * CPI report: US inflation up, likely delaying Fed rate cuts  The Associated Press

Show HN: We built a no-code tool on top of a spreadsheet (Game of Life example)

Show HN: We built a no-code tool on top of a spreadsheet (Game of Life example) Hi everyone! I want to share a spreadsheet tool we are building. The main idea is to be able to specify logic for a no code tool inside a spreadsheet. We have automations, data integration, action formulas, dashboards. Linked example: We use our UPDATECELL formula to make a step in a board of game of life. We can also use CHAIN to make it run indefinitely. The actions are exposed as buttons in a dashboard. Our automations work by loading your spreadsheet on the server and running an action specified in the spreadsheet. So the logic could be, pull in data from google sheet, send a personalized email to every row which we haven’t emailed yet, mark those rows as complete. Run this automation on 5 minute schedule, add any other custom logic you need (e.g. test email for deliverability) and you have yourself an automatic email tool. We are leaning into automations to differentiate ourselves from other products i

Show HN: Hacker News Blogroll

Show HN: Hacker News Blogroll This was submitted about 9 months ago as a Show HN ( ), people was generally favorable to it, but I never got around to do anything else with it past the first few days. I recently rescued a Github account I had, so I'm putting the source of the Rails app over there in case anyone wanted to do anything with it. The site still runs on Generates about 2 to 3 GB bandwidth usage every month, and the blogs are still checked every day for new content. I must say, I still visit every week and find interesting entries to read. April 11, 2024 at 01:04AM

In pictures: Eid celebrations around the world -

* In pictures: Eid celebrations around the world * Eid al-Fitr: How Muslims celebrated the holiday  The Associated Press * British Muslims describe Eid festivities as ‘heavy’ due to Gaza conflict  The Guardian * Eid-ul-Fitr 2024 moon sighting highlights: Crescent seen in Kerala and J&K  Hindustan Times * When Is Eid This Year? How the Solar Eclipse Obscured Moon Sighting  The New York Times

Biden suggests Israel should ‘just call for a cease-fire’ without concessions from Hamas - New York Post

* Biden suggests Israel should ‘just call for a cease-fire’ without concessions from Hamas  New York Post * Biden says Netanyahu's approach to war in Gaza is a 'mistake'  Reuters * April 9, 2024 - Israel-Hamas war  CNN * Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr with family reunions, new clothes, treats and prayers  The Associated Press * Biden: Israel’s Netanyahu making ‘mistake’ on Gaza  Al Jazeera English

Mayorkas impeachment trial delayed until next week - The Washington Post - The Washington Post

* Mayorkas impeachment trial delayed until next week - The Washington Post  The Washington Post * GOP senators convince Speaker Johnson to delay Mayorkas impeachment article delivery  Fox News * House to delay sending Mayorkas impeachment articles to the Senate until next week  CNN * Alejandro Mayorkas impeachment trial: Here's what to expect  USA TODAY * Republicans delay DHS Secretary Mayorkas' impeachment trial until next week  NBC News

Show HN: Convert Java POJOs to Zod Schemas

Show HN: Convert Java POJOs to Zod Schemas April 10, 2024 at 06:05AM

China, Russia Say To Strengthen Cooperation in Lavrov Visit - The Moscow Times

* China, Russia Say To Strengthen Cooperation in Lavrov Visit  The Moscow Times * Russia and China Double Down on Defying U.S.  The Wall Street Journal * Ukraine war updates: Kremlin hints at forthcoming Putin-Xi meeting; Russia scrambles to deal with massive floods  CNBC * Russia, China to Work on 'Double Counteracting' US-Led Alliance  Bloomberg * China and Russia in united stand to reform West-led global system  South China Morning Post

Show HN: Visualize eBay laptops in bulk with laptopscout

Show HN: Visualize eBay laptops in bulk with laptopscout A bit late in the new diskprices-like website trend, but here's my contribution to the ecosystem. The goal here is to get an instant comparison of the laptops on ebay, using mostly 3 metrics of now: CPU benchmark rank, GPU benchmark rank, and price, without having to scroll through the item description or google the PC model. At the moment there are some parsing bugs, and some components that aren't parsed yet. I also quickly run into the ebay rate limit, making it hard to maintain an hour-by-hour listing. Curious to know what you guys think! April 10, 2024 at 02:04AM

Show HN: NextJS CMS using Firebase as a DB for creating SSR websites

Show HN: NextJS CMS using Firebase as a DB for creating SSR websites April 10, 2024 at 12:11AM

Russia, China to talk about deeper security co-operation in Eurasia, Lavrov says - Reuters

* Russia, China to talk about deeper security co-operation in Eurasia, Lavrov says  Reuters * Russia and China Double Down on Defying U.S.  The Wall Street Journal * Ukraine war updates: Kremlin hints at forthcoming Putin-Xi meeting; Russia scrambles to deal with massive floods  CNBC * Chinese leader Xi meets Russia’s Lavrov as two partners tout strong ties  CNN * Russia, China to Work on 'Double Counteracting' US-Led Alliance  Bloomberg

What is Eid al-Fitr? 6 questions about the holiday and how Muslims celebrate it, answered - CBS News

* What is Eid al-Fitr? 6 questions about the holiday and how Muslims celebrate it, answered  CBS News * What is Eid al-Fitr? What to know about the Muslim holiday at the end of Ramadan  USA TODAY * Eid-al-Fitr 2024 moon sighting LIVE Updates: India to celebrate Eid on April 11 except THESE places  Mint * Happy Eid Wishes 2024: Eid Mubarak wishes, quotes, Whatsapp messages, Facebook status to share with your l  The Economic Times * April 10 or 11 when is Eid in India: Moon sighting timings in different parts of the country, Saudi Arabi  The Times of India

U.S. Makes Fresh Cease-Fire Proposal for War in Gaza - The Wall Street Journal

U.S. Makes Fresh Cease-Fire Proposal for War in Gaza  The Wall Street JournalView Full Coverage on Google News

Transgender Catholics say new Vatican document shows no understanding of their lives - The Associated Press

* Transgender Catholics say new Vatican document shows no understanding of their lives  The Associated Press * Vatican Says Gender Change and Surrogacy Are Threats to Human Dignity  The New York Times * Vatican blasts gender-affirming surgery in new 20-page doctrine  The Associated Press * Vatican says sex change, gender theory are 'grave threats'  NPR * Gender-affirming surgery threatens ‘unique dignity’ of a person, Vatican says  CNN

Netanyahu says date has been set for Rafah invasion - The Hill

* Netanyahu says date has been set for Rafah invasion  The Hill * Devastation in Gaza as Israel wages war on Hamas  CNN * 'There is a date': Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vows Rafah invasion will go ahead  Sky News * PM: Date is set for IDF to enter Rafah; US: Awaiting Hamas response on hostage deal  The Times of Israel * Gaza truce talks still deadlocked, Netanyahu sets date for offensive  Reuters

Show HN: The fastest way to run Mixtral 8x7B on Apple Silicon Macs

Show HN: The fastest way to run Mixtral 8x7B on Apple Silicon Macs I’d originally launched my app: Private LLM[1][2] on HN around 10 months ago, with a single RedPajama Chat 3B model. The app has come a long way since then. About a month ago, I added support for 4-bit OmniQuant quantized Mixtral 8x7B Instruct model, and it seems to outperform Q4 models at inference speed and Q8 models at text generation quality, while consuming only about 24GB of RAM[3] at 8k context length. The trick is: a) to use a better quantization algorithm and b) to use unquantized embeddings and the MoE gates (the overhead is quite small). Other notable features include many more downloadable models, support for App Intents (Siri, Apple Shortcuts), on-device grammar correction, summarization etc with macOS services and an iOS version (universal app), also with many smaller downloadable models and support for App Intents. There's a small community of users building and sharing LLM based shortcuts on the App&

Show HN: Dimity Jones in Puzzle Castle: An Electronic Escape Novel

Show HN: Dimity Jones in Puzzle Castle: An Electronic Escape Novel _Dimity Jones In Puzzle Castle: An Electronic Escape Novel in Eighty-Nine Ciphertexts_ is a (mostly) fictional story, contained in a single text file, that requires the reader to solve puzzles as they go along, and to use each chapter's solution as a key to decipher the next. Think: escape room in the form of a novel. A computer, and rudimentary coding skills in a language of your choice, will be indispensable for performing the transformations -- and might help with the solving too! My wife, the author, passed away five years ago. This is not the last thing she wrote, but it is the most unusual, unapproachable, and personal of her major works. It is also, as the only novel of hers that I cannot breeze through in an afternoon (and despite my unflattering appearance in it), my favorite. Though _Dimity Jones_ was left unfinished, and perhaps abandoned, at the time of my wife's death, its elements were all there, o

Threat of 'Major Nuclear Accident' as Drones Hit Power Plant - The Daily Beast

* Threat of 'Major Nuclear Accident' as Drones Hit Power Plant  The Daily Beast * Russia says it calls emergency IAEA board meeting on Zaporizhzhia attacks  Reuters * Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant hit by drones, U.N. monitor says  The Washington Post * Russia-Ukraine war updates: Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant struck by drones; Zelenskyy calls for more support amid Kharkiv bombardment  CNBC * Drone strikes hit Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant  Semafor

Top Iranian general killed in Damascus strike sat on Hezbollah’s decision-making body - The Times of Israel

* Top Iranian general killed in Damascus strike sat on Hezbollah’s decision-making body  The Times of Israel * Oil prices fall after Israel reduces troop presence in Gaza  CNBC * Iran's foreign minister accuses U.S. of giving Israel 'green light' to attack consulate in Syria  Yahoo! Voices * US determining if site allegedly struck by Israel in Damascus was Iranian consular facility  The Times of Israel * Playbook: The world steels for a Middle East escalation  POLITICO

Show HN: Neco – Coroutine Library for C

Show HN: Neco – Coroutine Library for C April 8, 2024 at 11:07PM

Man arrested for setting fire to US Sen. Bernie Sanders' office door in Vermont - Reuters

* Man arrested for setting fire to US Sen. Bernie Sanders' office door in Vermont  Reuters * Suspect arrested in alleged arson at Bernie Sanders’ Vermont office  CNN * Arrest Made in Fire Set Outside Bernie Sanders’s Office in Vermont  The New York Times * Suspect in alleged arson at Sen. Sanders’ Burlington office arrested  WCAX * Arrest made in alleged arson at Bernie Sanders' Vermont office  NPR

Show HN: Bonk, a command-line tool for X11 window management

Show HN: Bonk, a command-line tool for X11 window management April 8, 2024 at 12:09AM

Show HN: Flash Notes – Flashcards for Your Notes, LLM, iOS/macOS Sync

Show HN: Flash Notes – Flashcards for Your Notes, LLM, iOS/macOS Sync The app started as my wishful thinking that flashcards should really be derived from notes. I've been constantly writing things down and wishing to remember them. However, I never could convince myself to populate a flashcard app with them. I really tried (Anki, Supermemo), but I guess regular form filling is not for me. So I've started experimenting with flashcards derived from structured notes. Writing the 1st MVP was fast, but productionising it was way harder. Content synchronisation when the user can work from tube/plane and use multiple devices and content is text is… not trivial. So I had to learn about OT (Operational Transformation) and CRDT (Conflict-Free Replicated Data Type), and even implemented a few iterations of CRDT in Swift. This was intellectually rewarding, but the app was not progressing. Also, when you have both app data model and CRDT in your head, you start to over-optimize - you are l

Show HN: Toolkit for LLM Fine-Tuning, Ablating and Testing

Show HN: Toolkit for LLM Fine-Tuning, Ablating and Testing Hello all! Very happy to share this toolkit that allows you to fine-tune your choice of open-source LLMs on your data! The toolkit also allows you to run ablation studies across LLMs, prompt designs, training configurations, and can ingest different data files -- all through just ONE YAML file! After fine-tuning, you can also run a bunch of tests to ensure that the fine-tuned LLM behaves as expected, enabling faster time-to-production! Why this toolkit? Why now? While closed-source LLMs have become popular for chat-based applications, enterprises are considering a shift to self-hosted SLMs (smaller language models) since there is evidence that you don't need a gigantic model to solve narrow edge-cases. Plus, enterprises want to own the data pipeline from start to end, i.e., data ingestion, training, deployment, feedback collection and testing! Their customers' valuable data stays within their ecosystem, allowing enterpr

Gunman kills security guard at Fla. bar, wounds 7 people before dying in police shootout - New York Post

* Gunman kills security guard at Fla. bar, wounds 7 people before dying in police shootout  New York Post * 2 killed in shooting at CityPlace Doral’s Martini Bar; 7 injured include police officer, bar’s owner  WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sports | Fort Lauderdale * ‘We're broken right now': Mother of security officer shot in Doral says family is devastated  NBC 6 South Florida * Two dead and seven wounded in shooting at Florida shopping mall  The Guardian US * Miami-area shootout leaves security guard and suspect dead, police officer and 6 others injured  ABC News

Xcel power shutdown frustrates customers - KUSA

* Xcel power shutdown frustrates customers KUSA * Where power outages are affecting thousands of Coloradans Saturday  FOX 31 Denver * High wind warning still in effect for Denver, conditions improve through the day  Denver 7 Colorado News * High Winds Leave Over 140000 Without Power in Colorado  The New York Times * DIA sees hundreds of flight delays, cancellations KUSA

Polls show young voters going for Trump and older voters backing Biden. What's going on? - POLITICO - POLITICO

* Polls show young voters going for Trump and older voters backing Biden. What's going on? - POLITICO  POLITICO * The Electoral College question looming over 2024  NBC News * See how demographic swings could impact the 2024 election  ABC News * 7 Swing States That Could Decide the 2024 Presidential Election | America 2024 | U.S. News  U.S. News & World Report * What Would It Take To Flip States In The 2024 Election  FiveThirtyEight

Peter Pellegrini: Russia-friendly populist elected Slovak president -

* Peter Pellegrini: Russia-friendly populist elected Slovak president * New Slovak President To Deepen Country's Isolation: Analysts  Barron's * Pro-Russia candidate Peter Pellegrini elected Slovakia president  NPR * Ally of Slovakia’s pro-Russian prime minister wins presidential election  CNN * Pellegrini wins Slovak presidential election in boost for pro-Russian prime minister  NBC News

Tennessee lawmakers pass bill requiring public schools to show controversial computer-generated video on fetus development - CNN

* Tennessee lawmakers pass bill requiring public schools to show controversial computer-generated video on fetus development  CNN * What Is 'Meet Baby Olivia'? Controversial Video Could Be Required Viewing In Some Tennessee Schools  Forbes * Sex ed classes in some states may soon watch a fetal development video from an anti-abortion group  The Associated Press * On abortion & guns, Tennessee lawmakers snub parental consent  Tennessean * ‘Baby Olivia’ bill passed by legislature, heads to governor’s desk  WATE 6 On Your Side

Show HN: DigitalOcean + vercel on Your own baremetal servers

Show HN: DigitalOcean + vercel on Your own baremetal servers April 6, 2024 at 03:17PM

Trump demands a new judge just days before the start of his hush-money criminal trial - NPR

* Trump demands a new judge just days before the start of his hush-money criminal trial  NPR * Retired judge says statute cited in Trump’s motion raises concerns on judge in hush money case  CNN * Judge Juan Merchan runs a mental health court when he's not hearing a Trump case  The Associated Press * Trump again asks hush money judge to recuse himself less than two weeks before trial starts  NBC News * Dem clients of daughter of NY judge in Trump hush-money trial raised $93M off the case  New York Post

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson says he will not repeat Joe Biden endorsement - The Guardian

* Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson says he will not repeat Joe Biden endorsement  The Guardian * Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson says 2020 Biden endorsement ‘tears him up’  CNN * 'The Rock' explains why he's not endorsing Biden this time, how he feels about 'woke culture'  Fox News * Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson Tells Fox News He Won't Endorse Biden This Year  The Daily Beast * Dwayne Johnson says he won’t endorse anyone this year after backing Biden in 2020  The Hill

Nancy Pelosi Among 40 House Democrats Demanding Biden Halt Weapon Transfers to Israel - Rolling Stone

* Nancy Pelosi Among 40 House Democrats Demanding Biden Halt Weapon Transfers to Israel  Rolling Stone * US Democrats urge Biden to halt weapons transfer to Israel amid Gaza war  Al Jazeera English * Outrage Over Slain Aid Workers Deepens Democratic Resistance to Arming Israel  The New York Times * Warren says she would move to block sale of F-15s to Israel  The Hill * Pelosi joins call by 37 Democrats for Biden to halt transfer of US weapons to Israel  The Times of Israel

Bus with 56 students crashes on Interstate 10 -

* Bus with 56 students crashes on Interstate 10 * Charter bus carrying 56 University of South Carolina students to New Orleans crashes on I-10 in Hancock County  FOX 8 Local First * University of South Carolina student takes the wheel to stop bus after driver is ejected in crash that injured 11  Yahoo! Voices * 11 injured, 2 listed in critical condition after charter bus carrying South Carolina students wrecks on I-10  WLOX