Show HN: Monthly budgeting spreadsheet and ML expense categorisation

Show HN: Monthly budgeting spreadsheet and ML expense categorisation Hello, I'd like to share the first version of an app I've built for myself to categorise my expenses. Key features: - *Google Sheets Integration:* The tool is based on the spreadsheet I've been using to track my expenses over the years. I've turned it into a template that is available on the website. - *Automated Expense Categorization:* Tired of manually categorising and annoyed by the limits of rules, I've hooked the sheet up with an ML model that works based on past categorisations of your expenses. I've had great results with it. The tool is simple and basic and lets you keep using your spreadsheet instead of moving stuff into proprietary apps. It's a first version, but it's working for me so I thought I'd share it to see if anyone else might find it useful. You can start by exploring the [demo]( ) and get the Google Sheet Template to dive right in. Looking forward to your feedback! September 10, 2023 at 10:17AM


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