Show HN: Linkitall – create dependency-graphs of ideas

Show HN: Linkitall – create dependency-graphs of ideas What is the structure of knowledge? It's a broad question, and finding a structure that suits everyone is no easy task. Consider this: a backend developer might view knowledge as a table accessible with different keys, while a teacher might perceive it as a book, complete with chapters, sections, and subsections—a linear structure, yet with a tree-shaped Table of Contents for efficient reference. Generally, the structure we require depends on (a) the data involved and (b) the purpose at hand. Let's narrow it down: What's a suitable structure for teaching scientific knowledge? In the context of a specific course, one can assert that certain ideas are more fundamental than others. There's a hierarchy of ideas, where complex ideas build upon simpler ones, and those, in turn, rest on basic concepts. In simpler terms, with the exception of a few obvious or axiomatic ideas, every other idea relies on something else. Organizing all these ideas into a graph based on their dependency structure creates a dependency graph. Using graphical structure (including dependency graphs) to arrange ideas for presentation or teaching is nothing new. There are several tools out there, but none of them really worked for my use-case. So I wrote a tool in Golang which will take a graph definition in YAML format and produce a graph output in HTML. I am a noob in Golang. I am using python for work, so I wanted something else for this "hobby" project, and ended up with Go. This is the tool: Here are a few example outputs: Sets: Trigonometric relations: Note: one can click on the node name and it will open the associated slide. Kindly let me know what you fellows think. In particular, I would very much appreciate feedback from those in training/teaching/research background. October 19, 2023 at 04:40PM


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