Show HN: Togomak – declarative pipeline orchestrator based on HCL and Terraform

Show HN: Togomak – declarative pipeline orchestrator based on HCL and Terraform Togomak is a command line tool that runs pipelines locally and on the cloud using HashiCorp Configuration Language with a Terraform-like architecture. I am a DevOps engineer and I wanted to build something that is CI/CD provider agnostic - something like GNU make, which I could plug into any provider of choice and not have to rewrite anything while retaining its rich features. I love Terraform and its ecosystem, so I guess I borrowed a huge chunk of their design. Togomak makes parts of your pipeline reusable, by making it a Togomak module, just like Terraform modules. It also gives you power over several HCL functions, loop expressions, templating, and customizing a pipeline according to user input. I started this project over a year ago, and over the course, I learned a lot about how Terraform works. Hopefully, some of our other Terraform friends would find this little tool useful! togomak is actually short for "to-go-and-make", and it sounds similar to "tokamak", a fusion device using magnetic fields to contain hot plasma for energy; perhaps it's containers here! October 24, 2023 at 11:19PM


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