Show HN: Specify 2.0 – Your design token engine

Show HN: Specify 2.0 – Your design token engine Hi HN! I'm one of the creators of Specify, and we're thrilled to share this on HN. I must admit, I'm quite nervous about sharing Specify here, but I was also eager to get your feedback. We've been working on design systems for several years now, so my main focus is on designers and front-end developers, or anyone working with web interfaces. Less than two years ago, we launched Specify 1.0, which allowed designers and developers to connect their Figma files, extract styles and assets, transform them, and deliver them to developers' tools in the desired formats. In addition to working with the Design Token Community Group on an industry standard, we've had many discussions with the community and our clients since then. Teams are becoming more mature and demanding advanced features. Design tools are starting to implement some features, but we're still far from a general standardization. So, as we aim to build a central and tool-agnostic platform for design tokens, it seemed logical to create our own data format, which serves as a translator for each format offered by market tools. By creating our format, we've taken Specify to the next level. It's now compatible with over 50 types of design tokens, Figma Styles and Variables, and also hosted JSON files (GitHub, JSONBin, etc.), as well as SVGs. Specify supports advanced concepts like aliases, collections, or modes. In terms of delivering and transforming tokens, an infinite number of workflows can be created using parsers, our CLI, and our SDK. There's also the possibility to connect GitHub to receive automatic PRs, as well as Gitlab, AzureDevOps, and Bitbucket. In short, Specify was built to streamline the design/dev collaboration, especially when managing multiple brands, products, and platforms. If this topic resonates with anyone in this community, I'd love to hear what you think. :) Here are some links that might be helpful if you want to test: - The tool: - The docs: - A short video: January 26, 2024 at 12:09AM


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