Show HN: GPU Price list inspired by

Show HN: GPU Price list inspired by Like others, I was inspired by the article on, and I thought GPUs would be a good product for this style of site (but I have been beaten to the punch for the domain). How it's done: I have used the Amazon product API (PAAPI v5), as I had access due to having at least 3 sales with the amazon affiliate program. Using the API and some python code I'm able to curate searches somewhat, removing things like water blocks, laptops and full systems that show up when sorting by price. I have used a static page per region that gets updated every few hours (6hr at the moment). A small amount of Javascript is on each page to filter the list based on checkboxes. Checkbox selections are updated in the URL, enabling the user to link directly to the products they are interested in. Python scripts run on a $5 a month VPS to search using the amazon api and to generate the html files. Cron job to run the scripts and to do a git push to github of the html files, which is picked up by a netlify builder for free static hosting. The latest challenge is that after 30 days, the API limits access based on revenue: "your account will earn a usage limit of one TPD for every five cents or one TPS (up to a maximum of ten TPS) for every $4320 of shipped item revenue generated via the use of Product Advertising API 5.0 for shipments in the previous 30-day period.". So its easier to run into limits when testing. For fun I added A100 and H100 products as well: . Although I doubt someone is going to spend $20k to $30k through amazon, it's interesting to see that a small amount are available on there. March 9, 2024 at 03:04AM


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